After-School kids' quest
We are super excited to spend time after school with your kids, learning about God and reading God's word!
Kids' Quest will run from 1:10pm-3:30pm on September 22, October 20, November 17, January 26, February 16, March 8, April 19, and May 10 for the 2023-2024 school year. Any students in grades K-5 are welcome to join us!
Intermediate school students will be dismissed to the Y-room, and Elementary students will be bussed by Brandywine Transportation from the Elementary School to the Intermediate School. Students can then be picked up by parents or guardians at
Brandywine Heights Intermediate School at 3:30pm at the auditorium entrance.
Please fill out the registration form below for your child to attend. On the day(s) your child is attending, please also send a note to school with them indicating that they will be attending Redeemer BFC’s Afterschool Bible Club that day and can be dismissed to Redeemer Volunteers.