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A Year in The Bible
At Redeemer BFC, we value God's Word as Truth.
To help us connect more deeply with the Bible, we share a reading plan for the year for our entire church to read together.
Find the reading plan for the whole year for review or printing, then use the Bible reading tools below to think deeply about God's word!
Seven Arrows Bible study Method
What are the Seven Arrows?
The Seven Arrows are seven simple questions designed to take the mystery out of Bible study.
What does this passage say?
What did this passage mean to its original audience?
What does this passage tell us about God?
What does this passage tell us about man?
What does this passage demand of me?
How does this passage change the way I relate to people?
How does this passage prompt me to pray to God?
To learn more about the Seven Arrows Bible study method, check out their website below.
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