Our Children's Ministry team serves on Sundays in our classrooms, teaching God's word! They also serve at Kids' Quest on early dismissal days, at our annual VBS, and at other Redeemer Kids events.
The Facilities team serves in caring for the physical space our church uses. They run setup and tear-down on Sunday mornings as well as any other services we host.
The Hospitality team serves in greeting each person to our services on Sunday and ushering and assisting people to their seats. They also head up the meal provision ministry, TakeThemAMeal.
The Outreach team serves by planning and coordinating our church's outreach efforts to the community. These include events like the annual Block Party, the Halloween parade float prep, and connecting with the Borough to serve at Borough events.
The Prayer team serves by leading our church in a culture of prayer. They help in coordinating post-service prayer people, sending prayer requests to the church prayer chain, and planning Prayer and Praise nights.